BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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488 lines
World Wide BBS 2.3 (16.10.94)
Copyright © 1994 Arthur Choung
Main Features:
o Is a commodity.
o Has nice GUI, thanks to triton.library.
o Everything runs through stdio, so every program you can run through
the shell you can run through the BBS.
o Kickstart 2.04, but the higher the better.
o ARexx
o triton.library
o OwnDevUnit.library
Double-click on the Install icon.
If you are upgrading from an older version, please read the file
History.doc to brief you on the program's changes.
Double-click on the WWBBS icon. It has all the properties that a
commodity has.
On the top-left is the node list. You can double-click on a local
node to logon, and on a remote node when a user is online to open a viewing
On the top-right is the action list. You can click on an action, and
it will execute that command. You can also pass along the currently
selected node to that command. This is configurable through the tool
types. For every action to add, put in this line in this format:
Name=Name of action to put in listview
Command=Full path of command to execute. If you would like to
pass along the node, substitute a "%s" (including quotes)
and it will pass along the node's id.
Note that when you click on the close window gadget, it does not quit
the program because it is a commodity. Also when doing substition type
arguments such as in Command above, always include quotes unless otherwise
Using BBSPrefs
Double-click on the BBSPrefs icon. It is a normal program. Note that
some of the windows opened in this program are pretty big so you may need a
larger screen if the window won't open up.
There are eleven sub-prefs. They include:
Access Groups
These are the access groups you can select for a
These are the archivers that the user can choose from.
Door Variables
All of these variables are set as local environment
variables that the can be read by the programs run from the
These are the editors that the user can choose from.
File Bases
These are the file bases.
This is the menu tree.
Message Bases
These are the message bases.
These are the news file to inform the user of any changes.
These are the node configurations.
These are the protocols that the user can choose fom.
These are options that configure the entire system.
There are basically two types of prefs. One has a list of items you
can edit, and the other allows you to create a tree, as in sub-directories.
File Base Prefs, Menu Prefs, and Message Base Prefs fall into the latter
category. You can use the arrow keys to navigate the tree. System Prefs
is different from all the other prefs in that there are only options to
set, and no list.
Using AccessGroupPrefs
These are the fields:
Access Level
This is the access level of the user. 0 is equivalent to being
banned from the bbs, 1 is a new user, and 255 is the almighty
Session Time Limit
In minutes.
Inactivity Time Limit
In minutes.
Ratio Byte
Byte ratio for the file base. 0 is no ratio.
Ratio File
File ratio for the file base. 0 is no ratio.
Number of days of inactivity before being deleted by UserMaint.
Using ArchiverPrefs
Archiver extension so it can be identified.
Add Command
Full path of command to run, substituting "%a" for the archive
and "%f" for the file to be added.
Extract Command
Full path of command to run, substituting "%s" for the archive.
View Command
Full path of command to run, substituting "%s" for the archive.
Using DoorVarPrefs
Sets the variable specified by its name to whatever is in this
string. You can substitute, all are self-explanatory:
Using EditorPrefs
Standard is any normal editor which runs through the shell and
does not need ANSI. Visual is like standard but for editors that
need ANSI. Graphical is for local users so you can run your
favorite editor.
Full path of command to run. The file name will be appended.
Stack size to give command.
Using FileBasePrefs
Access Range
Range of access levels to accept, using commands and dashes. For
example, 1-255 means everything between 1 and 255, including 1
and 255, 1-5,255 means one through five and 255, etc.
ID name of group. Try to keep these simple, no spaces and
lowercase letters. Try names them with a usenet style heirarchy.
For example, util, util.disk, util.wb, etc.
Directory to use for this group.
Disk Space Required
Disk space required for upload in kilobytes.
How many days of inactivity before deleting files by FileMaint.
Read Only
No uploading.
Auto Join
Automatically join this group for new users.
Using MenuPrefs
Access Range
Character of the command.
For menus with sub-menus. When you press return this command
will be executed.
For menus with sub-menus. When you press a digit this command
will be executed and the digit will be passed along.
For menus with sub-menus. This is the prompt to print. You can
use \e to pass ESC, \t for TAB, \b for BS, \n for newline, \f to
clear screen, and %t for time remaining. No quotes are needed.
For normal menu items. You can specify ABBEREXX commands and
System commands.
When displaying a menu, WWBBS will first search for
"WWBBS:Menus/{menu name>.<ascii|ansi>", and if it exists, it will display
it. Otherwise it will just show the standard menu. For example, an ansi
user in the main menu will see "WWBBS:Menus/Main.ansi", if it exists.
When creating custom menu files, you can add keycodes to hide certain
menu items from users according to their access level. At the beginning of
a line, put:
@<accesslevel range>@
For example, @1-128,255@ will show this line to users with accesslevels in
the range of 1 to 128, and 255.
Using MessageBasePrefs
Access Range
ID name of group. Internal use only.
Quote Header
Quote header for replies. Substitute %d for date, %t for time,
%n for name, no quotes needed.
Read Only
Auto Join
Using NewsPrefs
Access Range
File to show user.
Using NodePrefs
Access Range
Local is for use locally. Remote is for remote use.
For remote nodes only. Device to use.
For remote nodes only. Unit of device to use.
Buffer Size
For remote nodes only. Buffer Size to allocate.
For remote nodes only. Baud rate.
For remote nodes only. RTS/CTS handshaking.
Auto Baud
For remote nodes only. When answering call, should you change
baud rate to match? For error-detecting/compression modems, you
should not set this.
Front End
For remote nodes only. Use StartSession to start a session from
TrapDoor or UUCICO.
Command to execute for each session. Remember that anything that
runs through shell can be used here. You should provide a delay
of about three seconds on remote nodes to allow other side to do
whatever it needs to do.
Using ProtocolPrefs
Send Command
Receive Command
Command to execute. Substitute:
"%d" for device name.
%u for device unit.
%l for unique log file name.
%F for input file list.
%f for file name.
%n for user name.
Protocol handles batch transfers.
Protocol handlers bidirectional transfers.
Using SystemPrefs
Display Mode
Display mode of console.
Font of console
Log Days
Number of days to keep logs before being filtered out by LogMaint.
Offline Directory
Put files here by FileMaint for offline files.
Only Real Names
Don't allow aliases.
Header Color
Input Color
Output Color
Prompt Color
System Color
String for <fill> color. Send \e for ESC, \t for TAB, \b for BS,
\n for newline, \f to clear screen.
Using Editor
Simple editor. Usage:
Editor <file name>
Using ForceLogOff
Run by WWBBS as an action. Usage:
ForceLogOff <node id>
Using LogMaint
Just run it to trim logs.
Using LogViewer
Figure it out.
Using BBSRx
This runs .rexx files while interpreting ABBEREXX and System
commands...see the appropriate doc files for a list of commands.
The template is:
Using StartSession
Use this in conjunction with TrapDoor and UUCICO. Usage:
StartSession <node> [-BAUD <baud>]
Using UserEditor
See LogViewer.
Using UserMaint
Just run it to trim users.
Using XPR
This tool handles XPR transfers. Usage:
Command: S=Send or R=Receive
Device: serial device, default is "serial.device"
Unit: unit, default is 0
Library: xpr.library
Init: init string, if not specified, will use ENVARC:
Log: name of log file (DSZ-style)
FileList: name of file list for batch send*
FileName: name of file for single file send
UserID: use with resume
Resume: if result is supported, all aborted files (receive)
have a id tag attached to them. otherwise they are
* A file list is a text file with one filename per line.
There has been so many changes from 1.0 to 2.0 I can't list them. 2.0
has been basically redesigned and for all intents and purposes, rewritten.
For users who do have 1.0 you should delete it from existence and install
2.0 from scratch. The config file is now expandable so this is the last
This program is freeware. If you would like to contact me:
Usenet: arthur@qedbbs.com
US Mail: 10324 Chestnut Street, Bellflower, CA 90706 USA
To those who sent me mail I am sorry that I did not respond to them,
but it seemed that most of them referred to old versions of WWBBS. When
mailing me please tell me which version of WWBBS you are using.
I also have a new address. I should be able to respond more quickly
as this one is on the internet.
Internet: choung@seas.ucla.edu